Airbnb (IT:1ABNB)
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Airbnb (1ABNB) Stock Price & Analysis


1ABNB Stock Chart & Stats

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Bulls Say, Bears Say

Bulls Say
Management And InnovationAirbnb is recognized as one of the best-managed online marketplaces, continually innovating with host and guest improvements, and has consistently surpassed consensus EBITDA every quarter since going public.
Revenue Growth PotentialAirbnb's potential for revenue growth far exceeds 10%, driven by a low penetration in home accommodations and opportunities in advertising monetization, positioning it well for future expansion.
Urban Market ExpansionThe urban hotel market represents a significant growth opportunity for Airbnb, potentially accelerating room nights and boosting bookings and EBITDA by allowing entry into key cities with short-term rental restrictions.
Bears Say
Financial PerformanceEarnings dropped due to a jump in expenses.
Growth And GuidanceThe company expects moderating growth in booking volumes due to slowing travel demand in the US and shortening booking windows globally.
Market CompetitionShould ABNB pursue this strategy, expect a competitive response from the OTAs and large hotel chains, likely in the form of increased marketing intensity.



Ownership Overview

35.99% Insiders
0.08% Other Institutional Investors
18.44% Public Companies and
Individual Investors

Website Traffic

The estimated number of people who visited one or more of the websites owned by Airbnb
Desktop Users
Mobile Users


What was Airbnb’s price range in the past 12 months?
Currently, no data Available
What is Airbnb’s market cap?
Currently, no data Available
When is Airbnb’s upcoming earnings report date?
Airbnb’s upcoming earnings report date is Oct 30, 2024 which is in 22 days.
    How were Airbnb’s earnings last quarter?
    Airbnb released its earnings results on Aug 06, 2024. The company reported €0.783 earnings per share for the quarter, missing the consensus estimate of €0.827 by -€0.044.
      Is Airbnb overvalued?
      According to Wall Street analysts Airbnb’s price is currently Undervalued. Get more investment ideas with TipRanks Premium
        Does Airbnb pay dividends?
        Airbnb does not currently pay dividends.
        What is Airbnb’s EPS estimate?
        Airbnb’s EPS estimate is €1.96.
          How many shares outstanding does Airbnb have?
          Currently, no data Available
          What happened to Airbnb’s price movement after its last earnings report?
          Airbnb reported an EPS of €0.783 in its last earnings report, missing expectations of €0.827. Following the earnings report the stock price went same N/A.
            Which hedge fund is a major shareholder of Airbnb?
            Among the largest hedge funds holding Airbnb’s share is Sands Capital Management LLC. It holds Airbnb’s shares valued at 344M.

              Company Description


              Founded in 2007, California-based Airbnb, Inc. is an online marketplace which connects hosts and guests online or through mobile devices to book travel services and accommodation facilities worldwide. The company provides apartments, villas, bungalows, private homestays, and tourism services.

              1ABNB Earnings Call

              Q2 2024
              0:00 / 0:00

              1ABNB Revenue Breakdown

              46.77% North America
              36.45% EMEA
              8.47% APAC
              8.31% LATAM

              1ABNB Stock 12 Month Forecast

              Average Price Target

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              1 Year
              Ken GawrelskiWells Fargo
              1 Year Success Rate
              8/12 ratings generated profit
              1 Year Average Return
              assigned a sell rating 21 hours ago
              Copying Ken Gawrelski's trades and holding each position for 1 Year would result in 66.67% of your transactions generating a profit, with an average return of +6.32% per trade.
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