Senators call on DOJ, FTC to probe exclusion of Andretti-Cadillac from F1
The Fly

Senators call on DOJ, FTC to probe exclusion of Andretti-Cadillac from F1

U.S. Senators Amy Klobuchar and Mike Lee, Chair and Ranking Member of the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Antitrust, Competition Policy and Consumer Rights, along with Gary Peters, Todd Young, Debbie Stabenow, Alex Padilla, and Mike Braun called on the Assistant Attorney General for the Department of Justice Antitrust Division Jonathan Kanter and Federal Trade Commission Chair Lina Khan to investigate the exclusion of Andretti Formula Racing, LLC from entering the Formula One Championship series. Team Andretti-Cadillac is an American racing team backed by General Motors (GM) trying to break into a competition dominated by European teams. Despite meeting all requirements to join Formula One set forth by the Federation Internationale de l’Automobile, Andretti-Cadillac was refused entry into Formula One (FWONA) by its commercial arm, which was tasked to negotiate commercial terms of entry after approval by the FIA. This has raised substantial concerns that Formula One’s members and sponsors may have colluded to exclude Andretti-Cadillac to insulate themselves from competition on the track and in the European car market. “We write because we are concerned that Formula One is acting at the behest of its independent teams and other “key stakeholders,” including foreign automakers, to exclude Andretti Formula Racing, LLC’s partnership with General Motors from entering the Formula One Championship series,” wrote the lawmakers. “It is possible that such a refusal to deal-especially if orchestrated through a group boycott-could violate U.S. antitrust laws.” “e have serious concerns that the rejection of Team Andretti-Cadillac was based on a desire to exclude a rival from the racetrack, marketing opportunities, and prestige that competing in F1 can lend to a car manufacturer competing to sell cars across the globe.” they continued.

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