China’s solar names in the spotlight amid plan to halt slump, Bloomberg reports
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China’s solar names in the spotlight amid plan to halt slump, Bloomberg reports

The main industry body for China’s solar companies, which dominate global supply chains, called for an end to a profit-slashing price war to halt a slump that some executives forecast could last through 2025, Bloomberg reports. New efforts, potentially including government intervention, are required to crack down on sales of equipment and materials at below cost-prices, the China Photovoltaic Industry Association said in a Tuesday WeChat post. The statement described a May 17 meeting attended by company executives and an official from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. “It is better to solve the current industry difficulties through market-oriented means,” the association said. “However, the government’s visible hand should also be fully utilized.” Shares of Chinese panel makers surged on hopes that the meeting could be a turning point in a nearly two-year slump for the sector.

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