2 Stock Picks from TipRanks’ Top Individual Investor “DEGIRO”
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2 Stock Picks from TipRanks’ Top Individual Investor “DEGIRO”

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TipRanks Top Individual Investors tool helps filter the very best investors from more than 450,000 portfolios. We bring to you two top picks of an individual investor, DEGIRO, with a 95% success rate.

TipRanks aggregates the recommendations of several top experts, which can be considered while making investment choices to maximize returns. One of our tools, Top Individual Investors, helps analyze the investments made by some of TipRanks’ top users.

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With this tool, one can look at several parameters, including success rate, average returns, year-to-date returns, and portfolio risk, before deciding which individual investors to follow.

° DEGIRO °, with a ranking of 3 out of the Top 100 TipRanks investors, is one such top individual investor. Despite such a tumultuous market scenario, the investor has been able to generate a 6.5% return over the past 12 months. Furthermore, the individual has witnessed a total return of 149.9% since April 2, 2020.

Remarkably, DEGIRO has had a success rate of 95%, as 57 out of 60 transactions were profitable. The average return per transaction is also impressive at 128.4%.

DEGIRO has made the majority of its investments in the Financial sector (32.1%), followed by the Industrial Goods sector (27.6%) and Consumer Goods (17.8%).

Now, let’s take a look at two top stocks from the investor’s portfolio.

Genuine Parts Company (NYSE:GPC)

This $25.78 billion company distributes automotive replacement parts, industrial replacement parts, office products, and electrical/electronic materials. The stock forms 12.7% of the investor’s portfolio and has returned 187.8% since its purchase on April 7, 2020.

Since 2009, the company has been consistently increasing dividends every year. The current quarterly common dividend of $0.89 per share reflects a yield of 1.89%, which compares favorably with the sector’s average of 1.66%. 

Overall, Genuine Parts has a Moderate Buy consensus rating based on two Buys and two Holds. The average GPC price target of $172 implies 5.9% downside potential from current levels. Shares have rallied 35.9% so far this year.

Enterprise Products Partners (NYSE:EPD

Enterprise Products provides midstream energy services to producers and consumers of natural gas, natural gas liquids, crude oil, refined products, and petrochemicals. It has a market capitalization of $52.69 billion.

EPD takes the second spot in DEGIRO’s portfolio, as it makes up 3.4% of the overall portfolio. The stock has returned 76.2% since its purchase on May 3, 2020.

The company has regularly paid its quarterly common dividend of $0.47 per share, reflecting a current yield of 7.68%. The yield is well above the sector’s average of 1.66%.

The stock has a Strong Buy consensus rating based on nine Buys and one Hold. The average stock price target is $31.67, which implies 32.7% upside potential. Year to date, EPD stock has gained 13.5%.

Concluding Thoughts

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