What is Pioneer Investment Management Inc’s portfolio gain since Jun 2013?
Pioneer Investment Management Inc’s portfolio gain since Jun 2013 was 215.69%.
What is Pioneer Investment Management Inc’s Sharpe Ratio?
Pioneer Investment Management Inc’s Sharpe Ratio is 3.81.
What is Pioneer Investment Management Inc’s portfolio value?
Pioneer Investment Management Inc’s portfolio value is $31.40B.
What is Pioneer Investment Management Inc’s average return since the fund’s last 13F filing?
Pioneer Investment Management Inc’s average return since the fund’s last 13F filing is 164.84%.
What was Pioneer Investment Management Inc’s average return in the last 12 months?
Pioneer Investment Management Inc’s average return in the last 12 months was 36.48%.
What was Pioneer Investment Management Inc’s average return in the last 3 years?
Pioneer Investment Management Inc’s average return in the last 3 years was 24.11%.
When was the most recent most recent 13F form submitted by Pioneer Investment Management Inc?
Pioneer Investment Management Inc's most recent 13F form was submitted on Sep 30, 2017.
who are the best performing hedge funds?
Head over to our Expert Center to see a list of the Top Hedge Fund Managers and follow the top hedge fund managers of your choice. Visit their profiles for more details about their holdings and see how they perform on a stock-by-stock basis.
What is Lisa M. Jones Net Worth?
Lisa M. Jones is Managing Pioneer Investment Management Inc which has a net worth of $31.40B.
TipRanks & Hedge Funds: TipRanks measures the performance of Lisa M. Jones and other hedge fund managers based on information submitted to the SEC. Any hedge fund managing over $100M is required to submit a 13F form to the SEC which lists their current holdings at the end of each fiscal quarter. TipRanks uses this information to determine how each hedge fund performed in comparison to other hedge funds and to the S&P 500. Top Hedge Funds are determined by those that generate the highest return based on their stock portfolio.
Disclosure on Hedge Fund Expert Ranking: We only track and measure hedge fund managers based on their long positions on stocks and ETFs. Our ranking excludes: 1. Hedge funds that manage stocks of more than 1,500 different companies 2. Hedge funds with a portfolio turnover of over 50% from the previous quarter 3. Securities are not stocks, such as warrants, units, stock options (calls and puts), international investments, swaps, short positions, etc.