
Robin Cheng Profile - Bank of America Securities Analyst

Robin Cheng

Robin Cheng
Bank of America Securities

Wall Street Analyst
#4,906 out of 8,800 Wall Street Analysts
#13,777 out of 37,462 experts

Success Rate

2 out of 2 ratings made a profit

Average Return

Average return per rating
Time Frame
1 Year
Compare to
No Benchmark
Copying Robin Cheng's trades since 2017 and holding each position for 1 Year would result in 100.00% of your transactions generating a profit, with an average return of 31.4% per rating.

Stock Rating Distribution

50.00% Buy
50.00% Sell
0.00% Hold
Distribution of Robin Cheng's ratings

Additional Information

Main Sector:General
Geo Coverage:
United StatesUS Market

Best Rating

Semiconductor Manufacturing International
Date:Nov 15, 2017 - Nov 15, 2018
The most profitable rating made by Robin Cheng

Robin Cheng's Stock Coverage

Price Target
No. of Ratings
Success Rate
Avg. Return
Nov 15, 2017
is no longer traded
List of latest recommendations made by Robin Cheng. Click to expand and see Robin Cheng's performance on a particular stock
Disclaimer: TipRanks collects analysts’ ratings and price targets by scanning publicly available reports on financial websites and by receiving reports from analysts, firms, or customers. The information and statistics displayed might not be accurate, complete, or up-to-date. The analyst ratings provided are the sole responsibility of the source publication. TipRanks holds no liability over the analysts' information, price targets, ratings, or opinions expressed.
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Robin Cheng activity FAQ

What is the performance of Robin Cheng's recommendations?
The percentage of profitable recommendations made by Robin Cheng is 100%, and the average return per transaction is 31.40%.
    What stocks does Robin Cheng cover?
    Robin Cheng mostly covers SMICY , , stocks.
      What was Robin Cheng's most profitable rating?
      Robin Cheng’s most profitable ratings was a sell on SMICY stock on Nov 15, 2017 - Nov 15, 2018. The return on the trade was +40.30%.
        Where can I see a list of stock analyst ratings?
        You can see a list of daily stock analyst ratings here.
          What are the most recommended stocks by analysts?
          You can see a list of the most recommended stocks by analysts here