TipRanks Users Q&A with CEO Uri Gruenbaum, part 1
TipRanks Labs

TipRanks Users Q&A with CEO Uri Gruenbaum, part 1


At a recent webinar, TipRanks users had the opportunity to ask the company’s CEO, Uri Gruenbaum questions.

Uri emphasized our ambition to provide you with all the tools and data you need to make data-driven investment decisions.

With hundreds of attendees, we were inundated with questions on chat. We put together some of the most frequently asked questions, with our answers. There is a second Q&A blog dedicated to Smart Portfolio which you can read here.

Stock Research

We were delighted to see your suggestions. The good news is that some of your requests are already underway.

Q. Can you add company information and ISIN numbers to the stock research tab?

A. Yes. In fact, adding company information is in the pipeline and we aim to make it available in Q1. With regards to ISIN number, it’s a great idea and we’re already looking into it.

Q. When will you add mutual funds and ETFs? Can you add ARK holdings, changes?

A. We would like to add mutual funds and ETFs 2021. With regards to adding ARK stocks, we are already working on adding them to our comparison tool. When we add ETFs and mutual funds to the site, we will include ARK holdings.

Q. What does it means when a stock is “assigned” a Buy rating?

A. To help answer this question we put together a blog that explains the different terms we use when it comes to analyst ratings.

Q. Is there any chance of offering webhooks for newly added securities by top-ranked analysts?

A. This is a great idea and ties into the watchlist and alert center that we are working on improving right now. Our product team is looking into this.


Q. I noticed that some articles by Seeking Alpha authors do not make it into Tip Ranks. Is there a reason for this?  

A. We only show ratings that are distinctively bullish or bearish. If we didn’t detect a strong sentiment the rating will not be on the site.

Q. Are the stock calls from Top Experts extracted from their paid services?  How fresh are they?

A. We do not extract ratings from paid services. We only publish ratings that are publicly available. Note too, that the performance of experts is only based on publicly available ratings. Ratings are added to the site throughout the day, as they are published.


Some participants weren’t aware that we have mobile apps. If you are one of them, we invite you to download our app now – you can find us in the AppStore for iOS and the Play Store for Android.

Please note, that our Android app is very recent and still in Beta phase, we’re working hard to get it to the same level of functionality as the iOS app.

Q. One of my favorite TipRanks features is to look at analyst’s past success on a certain stock, when will this be added to the app?  

A. We want our apps to have the same functionality as the website. We don’t yet know when this will happen, however, mobile is a priority in 2021 – so stay tuned!

Stock Screener

There was a lot of interest in our Stock Screener, with some great suggestions from users. Here’s what you asked.

Q. Can you add the following fields to the stock screener – industry, stock price range, geography, exchange?

A. Our product team has added them to our list of improvements and are working on prioritizing them.

Q. Can you make it possible to sort whether a stock is optionable or not on the Stock Screener?

A. This is important information, we are working on adding it to the screener in 2021.


Q. How do you predict trends?

A. We don’t. Analysts, financial bloggers, and other experts including hedge fund managers and corporate insiders do that. We analyze this data and provide simple access to it.

Q. What’s the difference between the Premium and Ultimate accounts on TipRanks?

A. Premium unlocks most of our features, excluding Analysts’ hot stocks. It unlocks analyst ratings and price targets and enables you to follow up to 5 experts.

Ultimate gives you access to all our tools and enables you to follow an unlimited number of experts. You can manage multiple portfolios in Smart Portfolio. See more here.

If you have questions about our plans, please feel welcome to contact our support team for assistance support@tipranks.com.

Q. Can this webinar be listened to later?

A. Yes! You can watch it here – enjoy!

We always welcome your feedback. You can contact our support team at support@tipranks.com, or reach out to us on any of our social channels – Twitter, Facebook, Facebook Group, Instagram, LinkedIn.

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